Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hello and welcome to the Wild Backyard! My name is David Jones and I am an Animal Control Agent here in Albany, Georgia. A common misconception about my line of work is that Animal Control=Dog catcher. As I've learned in my years in this field, nothing could be further from the truth. While its true we deal in a lot of domestic animals (dogs/cats), I am constantly dealing with wild animals that could be found in your very own backyard! Working with these awesome animals has taught me a lot, and I've also come to realize that many people know little to nothing about these creatures that we're sharing our area with. With that in mind, I've decided to set up this blog to record the various wildlife I am fortunate enough to come in contact with, and share some facts/myths about them! I will also be sharing the many stories I've collected during my time here. My hope is that through these writings people can come to have a better understanding about wildlife in the area and marvel at some of God's amazing creations like I get to do on a daily basis!

So, please enjoy as I share some of my wild, wierd stories, and if you've got a story to share please send it to dkjones520@yahoo.com along with any pictures!

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